What are the Benefits of Using a Business Continuity Center for Disaster Recovery?

Thinking about disaster recovery in relation to your business may not be enjoyable, but it simply has to be done – just as individuals must plan for family members having accidents or passing away. Natural disasters can be devastating, especially to a business, if there’s no preparation beforehand. The good news is, with a plan […]

Ways You Use the Cloud Daily – Whether You Realize it or Not

The cloud is an amazing thing. It’s been around for years, and it still continues to amaze us. One of the most amazing things about the cloud is how much it has been integrated into our lives. In many cases, we don’t even realize we’re using the cloud. Here are a few ways we use the […]

Understanding the Internet of Things (IoT)

Earlier this year, the federal court system changed the way we classify the Internet. No longer an amenity solely for the privileged, high-speed Internet connections are now considered as essential as a phone or electricity service. The ruling effectively took it from luxury to public utility, acknowledging its importance for both business and residential use. […]

Understanding the Different Types of Spam

There are many different types of spam and it is important that you understand the different types in order to better protect yourself from it. If you aren’t familiar with all of the ways spam is delivered, take a look at the different types below. The more you know about spam, the better you will be able […]

Top 3 Applications for Big Data

Although the raw acquisition of big data remains an important part of marketing and analytics, this data application is the newest way to ensure you stay on the cutting edge of your industry. Here are some top applications for big data once it is acquired. Big Data Billboards Combining marketing analysis with direct marketing, some billboard companies […]

Tools and Standards for Email Scam Mitigation

You put server infrastructure in place to operate in today’s online world. You upgrade your server concept to colocation with a service like Global IP Networks in order to have access to more capacity and a higher standard than you have the IT department or budget to manage on your own. That addresses server availability, but […]

Tips for buying a new SSD (Solid State Drive)

A SSD (Solid State Drive) is a data storage device similar to a hard drive. While more expensive, they offer higher access speeds since they have no mechanical components. This also means that they have a longer lifespan and can run virtually silently. When buying a new SSD here are some things to keep in […]

Time for Colocation? 5 Signs You’re Ready

In life, timing is everything. This is especially true in the business world. Just like great investors know when to put their money on the table, great IT teams know when to make changes to their company’s infrastructure. Weighing out the decision about whether to stick to the status quo or upgrade to an expertly […]

Three Things the Cloud Can Do for Your Business

If you run a business, you’ve heard of cloud computing. However, you may not be aware of all of the things that the cloud can do. In fact, the cloud itself can almost run a business, if the right person is in charge. Here are a few things you may not have realized the cloud can […]

Three Reasons Why Cloud Computing is Ideal for a Small Business

While technological advancements are made in almost every industry, and on a constant basis, technology that you can use for your small business is even better. In this case, it is cloud computing. Instead of using a local server to handle all of your data, this is handled by a network of remote servers, in which […]