After hosting our Educational Solution with Amazon and IBM for years, we decided to change to GIP. Their level of service is superior to any other company. They have provided us with the attention and support that our business needed. I know I can always pick up the phone and call Reyner and his team. If your business is looking for exceptional support, there is nothing like GIP out there.

-Carlos Oliveira
Lucent University

Global IP Network Services for Carlos Oliveria at Lucent University

Data Center

Private cloud, built for mission critical and scalable operation for Lucent Institute

Network Management and Connectivity

Blended carriers, multiple and redundant 10G networks with high availability

IT as a Service (ITaaS)

24×7 Asset management, monitoring and security

Power Infrastructure

2N Power with redundant UPS and backup generators

Backup and Storage

Secure and scalable daily backup

Need help with IT and don’t know where to go?

Need help with IT and don’t know where to go?

Let’s start by setting up a conversation and we’ll go from there.

Let's Talk!

If people like you, they'll listen to you, but if they trust you, they'll do business with you.

– Zig Ziglar