Big Data and Cloud Storage

Big data is trending in 2013. Many of today’s top companies have a big data initiative in the next 5 years. With the growing popularity of big data and the price drops of cloud storage, big data in the Cloud is becoming a viable option for the enterprise.

There are loads of opportunities for large and small business under this business model. The amount of data that companies have is growing at an alarming rate. When our economy tanked during the slowdown, many companies consolidated their data centers and virtualized their hardware. This downturn sparked an operations streamline to save money. With this mindset, many companies began looking for ways to store their data in the cloud to further save money. Storage cost money in servers, power and staff. Looking for ways to alleviate birthed big data in the cloud. Instead of having to purchase new hardware and hire staff, etc, you simply pay a monthly fee for the storage necessary.

Infinite storage is not possible. Maintaining hardware, staffing, licensing  to manage your storage is costly. Stop fighting this battle and leverage cloud resources to replace your costly in-house resources. For data such as hospital records, looking for a cloud solution to archive this data is imperative.

The cost to store data is skyrocketing and companies today need to leverage cloud solutions to alleviate these costs. There are a growing number of cloud service providers to help meet your needs-from on demand infrastructure to analytics services.

Does your company have a Big Data initiative? If you do not have a plan or just simply want more information, contact us today!

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