Case Study – NCHS

Global IP Networks recently helped us realize a key corporate objective by replacing our antiquated on-site IT infrastructure with state of the art colocation services and IT as a Service (ITaaS). The entire project proceeded quickly and smoothly from start to finish. Just weeks after our kick-off meeting, Global IP Networks completed a comprehensive inspection of existing assets and interviews with key stakeholders, then presented a project plan which reflected a deep understanding of our critical, technical and business and regulatory issues. Procurement and installation of optimal hardware, applications and ongoing Management, Monitoring and Maintenance services occurred with full transparency and minimal disruption to our day-to-day operations. Following the transition, our staff has enjoyed the improved performance and security. The skill and experience of Global IP Networks transformed our IT operations from a major corporate concern to a distinct strategic advantage.

-Robert Thomson
National Cornerstone Health Services

Global IP Network Services for Robert Thomson at National Cornerstone Health Services

Data Center

Private cloud, built for mission critical and scalable operation for Lucent Institute

Network Management and Connectivity

Blended carriers, multiple and redundant 10G networks with high availability

IT as a Service (ITaaS)

24×7 Asset management, monitoring and security

Power Infrastructure

2N Power with redundant UPS and backup generators

Monitor, Maintain, Protect

24×7 protection of your assets is our full-time job.

IT Compliance Services

Government control means uniformity, regulation, fees, inspection, and yes, compliance.

Managed Security Services

Securing your business is our business, with cloud and hybrid environments.

Cloud Services

Cloud where you need it: dedicated server, private cloud, Office 365.

Data Migration Services

With our 17 years of knowledge and experience, we’ll work hard to minimize downtime during migration.

Need help with IT and don’t know where to go?

Need help with IT and don’t know where to go?

Let’s start by setting up a conversation and we’ll go from there.

If people like you, they'll listen to you, but if they trust you, they'll do business with you.

– Zig Ziglar