Common Anti-Spam Filtering Techniques
Email spam has been a problem for almost twenty years and continues to plague us today. This problem would be far worse if we didn’t have anti-spam software. Two common filtering techniques for blocking email spam will be discussed below: List Filters The simplest anti-spam technique makes use of lists to either allow email into or block […]
Cloud Computing: When Disaster Strikes
Cloud computing has had some misconceptions through 2014 that have snowballed to a point where people stop using this solution. Despite the Apple iCloud scare this year, everyone has to keep in mind no technology is perfect if it’s not used correctly. In the case of any security concerns, it’s all in how you monitor the […]
Cloud Computing: Horizontal and Vertical Scaling Defined
When it comes to cloud computing, scaling is the ability for an IT resource to handle increased or decreased usage demands. There are two types of scaling. They are: Horizontal Scaling Vertical Scaling HORIZONTAL SCALING The allocation of release of IT resources that are identical in type is horizontal scaling. The horizontal allocation of resources […]
Cloud Computing: Denial of Service Attacks
In a cloud computing environment, attacks on shared resources can compromise your cloud solution. It is important to have security in place for when your systems may become compromised. Additionally, managed services such as monitering can avoid many types of attacks. A Denial of Service (DOS Attack) causes increased loads on your servers and network that result […]
Cloud Computing Can Keep a Computer Crash From Ruining Your Day
What would happen if all the business data stored on your computer simply vanished overnight? You’d probably prefer to believe that something that drastic is unlikely to occur, but what if your primary computer crashes? The problems caused by a crash can take you by surprise. You might get a little stressed. You’ll probably have […]
Cloud Computing and the Two-Step Authentication Process: Does it Solve All Security Issues?
Cloud computing has been back in the news lately with the iCloud security breach and Apple attempting to find ways to repair the situation. What we don’t hear enough about is how secure the cloud is in comparison to all other options out there. It’s still the safest, especially when the cheaper alternatives of Google […]
Cloud Computing and the Data Center Transformation
The future is amazing, especially when it comes to IT. Technology is moving faster than ever and huge innovations will continue to occur over the next decade. Data centers are demanding more and more power to run our IT systems. As the shift from in-house systems to cloud computing continues, data centers are going to have to […]
Clearing Up Misconceptions of Big Data
Big Data is one of the most buzz-worthy fields in tech. Its name is simple but it conveys a huge tidal wave of information and can even sound intimidating. From the IT management perspective, it is becoming one of the most important issues of training and technology on the horizon; the people who can master its […]
Choosing An Email Spam Filter
If you have an email inbox, it’s critical you use a spam filter to sift through the countless junk emails you get each day. Spam mail is not only time consuming. It can also bring in malware, phishing software and viruses. Spam filters are software used to scan emails to determine whether of not they’re spam. Before […]
Business Continuity: The Value of Three “P”s
Cloud computing is changing the computer industry very quickly. Business is the chief recipient of this new concept. It saves money and time while protecting data and ensuring business continuity in spite of breaches and disasters. Planning for Disaster This attitude was a fatalistic approach to the workday just a few years ago. However, in the current […]