Are You Ready When Disaster Strikes?
In today’s digital world, just about everything is stored, operated, and driven by some kind of technology. If you suddenly lost all of your equipment, files, records, and most pertinent information and data, are you set up to easily recover them? You might be tempted to think this will never happen to your business, but the reality is that no business is immune. From natural disasters like fires, earthquakes, storms, etc, to human negligence, the list of potential threats to your data, systems, and physical location goes on. By developing and implementing a disaster recovery and business continuity plan, you can safeguard your business against such devastating lost.
A solid disaster recovery plan can minimize operation downtime and enable your business to continue functioning as soon as possible after a disaster. The best recovery plans prioritize your most valuable digital assets, ensuring as little damage, loss, and confusion as possible.
Our engineer can develop a solid Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plan that enables your operation to bounce back quickly when a natural disaster, severe power outage or other unexpected event threatens your business.
Aftershock Recovery
Disasters generally impact your business in 2 ways: the immediate, most devastating blow, and the longer-term “aftershock” effects of the initial disaster. Successful businesses have both of these aspects covered with a disaster recovery plan and a business continuity plan .While recovery strategies and business continuity go hand-in-hand, they are two distinct aspects of good business planning. Disaster recovery covers the immediate fallout from any disruption in your day to day productivity, while business continuity covers the aftershocks to get your business back on track in the long-term. It may be tempting to put more focus on one process or the other, but they are both essential for a business to remain productive after an emergency, and even remain compliant in certain industries.
Creating an Effective Disaster Recovery Strategy

Every business is unique, and each business requires a customized strategy to account for its specific needs and situation. However, there are some essential elements for any recovery strategy that apply to all outsourced disaster recovery plans:

  • Increase RTO and RPO
    In the event of an attack, Recovery Point Objective and Recovery Time Objective are two key metrics used to measure your business returning to normal. With Global IP, you can trust that the time it takes to recuperate will be absolutely minimized
  • Lower Overall Security Costs
    With Global IP’s automated processes, redundant functions are eliminated and staffing needs are greatly reduced, thereby saving money for a business that cannot match these capabilities.
  • Test And Assess Processes
    A key piece of security comes from internal testing and monitoring in real time to ensure that all vulnerabilities are covered and digital assets are protected. If a potential vulnerability is ever found, it will be accounted for in the recovery strategy until a new solution is found.
  • Evolve to Meet New Needs
    As your business grows and evolves, so too will your disaster recovery needs. Global IP Networks has the capabilities to upgrade your network as needed, indefinitely, to match your changing IT security needs.
Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) with Global IP Networks
Audit and security tests necessary to identify and remediate at-risk components in your operation.
In-depth recovery plans will account for all critical points in your operation. No stones unturned.
Disasters and disruptions could happen at any time. Fast response is critical to get you up and running.
From planning to implementation to testing, we will work closely with you to ensure success at all levels.
The Global IP Networks Way
Let’s talk about your company’s concerns, needs, and goals, and how Global IP can help
We implement your strategic roadmap, step by step, to deliver on our promises
We utilize our expertise to develop a clear roadmap that covers all of your needs
We document and catalog each step of your cloud management services to ensure that we match the growth of your company
Protect Your Business From The Unexpected
While you can never truly anticipate a digital attack on your business, you can always be ready for it with a customized disaster recovery strategy. Rely on an effective, verifiable recovery service to optimize your business’s resiliency with Global IP Networks’ DRaaS.

If people like you, they'll listen to you, but if they trust you, they'll do business with you.

– Zig Ziglar