Disaster Recover Plan: Priorities

If you don’t have a disaster recovery plan, you should. It’s not always something people talk about, but in the case of a disaster, whether a tornado, a virus, or an employee’s mistake, a plan could help you maintain business continuity, and help you to keep your business open, while not having a plan could force […]

Cut Down On Expenses with Outsourced Server Hosting

Hosting for your business is essential, especially if you have a lot of web traffic, and this is because your business’s success relies on the ability for your connection to remain online. It is important to make sure you hosting is reliable, which you can accomplish with outsourced server hosting, but outsourcing it also provides the […]

Control Your Data, Enhance Your Productivity, and Save Money With Cloud Computing

Technology is a jumble of burden and ease. On one hand, businesses can automate most tasks, easily handle massive amounts of data, and deliver exceptional customer service instantaneously. On the other hand, the burden of maintaining, upgrading, and implementing all this technology is taxing companies of capital and limited resources. But cloud computing not only makes your […]

Consider Colocation for Server Hosting to Simplify Your Business

Although it is possible to house your own hardware and servers successfully, there is a viable alternative in colocation that you should consider to keep your business simple and straightforward. When housing your own hardware, you can take your own measures until you are satisfied, but high-quality colocation providers for server hosting can satisfy or exceed your […]

Brute Force Hacking: Are Your Servers Safe?

Hollywood often portrays the hacker as an individual who is highly adept at guessing usernames and passwords. In the real world, servers actually do get hacked in this way. However, the guessing isn’t done by a person but rather by software. The software sometimes does this systematically by using all possible combinations of characters to guess usernames […]

Big Data: The New Hiring Tool

The quality of its employees is essential to determining whether a company succeeds or fails. Therefore the job of the hiring manager is a vital one. It is also a job that isn’t always performed in an optimal manner. Why? The reason comes down to human brain function and its limitations. The amount of job […]

5 Tips For Building A Foolproof Disaster Recovery Plan

In just one years’ time, the entire continental US can be battered with tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, or winter blizzards. These acts of mother nature not only damage the environment, they can also devastate a company’s IT infrastructure. With so many dangers just a storm cloud away, it’s almost unbelievable that only 25% of small […]