SAN (Storage Area Network) Global Market Sees Uptick

According to a recent report from IT-Online, the global market for SAN (Storage Area Network)equipment grew three percent in 2014, to $2.5 billion. After a decline in 2013, demand returned for equipment built to handle the server-to-storage-array of data center traffic, the report stated. The fourth quarter of the year saw growth of two percent, totaling $669 million […]

KPMG: Executives Want Cloud Computing To Improve Employee Productivity

Business executives are looking to cloud computing to improve employee productivity. That’s according to a KPMG study published recently. According to the survey of 500 leaders in business, 42% said that they are embracing the cloud to fill technology gaps so that employees can have easier access to business resources. That’s almost triple the amount of 15% that recognized the […]

How a Business Can Benefit From Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is getting a good deal of media attention, though many in the business community are still unclear about how what exactly it is and how it differs from other data storage and retrieval methods. In simple terms, cloud computing entials placing all software resources employees need on a web-based rather than a desktop-based platform.  […]

Getting the Best from Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is the use of a variety of computing concepts to run programs or applications in many connected computers simultaneously. This mainly relies on sharing of resources, which allows companies to save on resources such as time and money to ensure that they focus on the growth, success and expansion of the business. According to Forbes, […]

Five Factors to Look for When Using Cloud Computing for Your Business

We all know the value of cloud computing. It enables you to have a valid backup system that can be accessed any time so that, if your land-based system is temporarily down, it will still function as a service. It is convenient and automatic and takes much of the worry out of how to handle unforeseen […]

Data Center Colocation: Winning Combinations

It is strange that a company would choose data center colocation when the concept appears to provide only a roof over a bunch of servers. They could jump directly into cloud computing and be able to achieve more. There is more to this decision than meets the eye. Data Center-as-a-Service (DCaaS) Either public clouds or colocation services […]

Control Your Data, Enhance Your Productivity, and Save Money With Cloud Computing

Technology is a jumble of burden and ease. On one hand, businesses can automate most tasks, easily handle massive amounts of data, and deliver exceptional customer service instantaneously. On the other hand, the burden of maintaining, upgrading, and implementing all this technology is taxing companies of capital and limited resources. But cloud computing not only makes your […]

Consider Colocation for Server Hosting to Simplify Your Business

Although it is possible to house your own hardware and servers successfully, there is a viable alternative in colocation that you should consider to keep your business simple and straightforward. When housing your own hardware, you can take your own measures until you are satisfied, but high-quality colocation providers for server hosting can satisfy or exceed your […]

Cloud Computing: When Disaster Strikes

Cloud computing has had some misconceptions through 2014 that have snowballed to a point where people stop using this solution. Despite the Apple iCloud scare this year, everyone has to keep in mind no technology is perfect if it’s not used correctly. In the case of any security concerns, it’s all in how you monitor the […]

Cloud Computing: Horizontal and Vertical Scaling Defined

When it comes to cloud computing, scaling is the ability for an IT resource to handle increased or decreased usage demands. There are two types of scaling. They are: Horizontal Scaling Vertical Scaling HORIZONTAL SCALING The allocation of release of IT resources that are identical in type is horizontal scaling. The horizontal allocation of resources […]