Why You Should Only Outsource Business Continuity to a Service Provider That You Can Trust

A recent survey conducted by Tech Target provides insight as to how business owners view their business continuity and disaster recovery plans. The following results of the survey show that many firms are now adopting the service to protect their future business operations: 77% of respondents said they have a disaster recovery test plan in place 61% of respondents […]

Why Colocation Server Hosting Makes Sense: The Economy of Scale Effect

Everyone benefits from the economy of scale effect. For the lone individual to locate and dig out of the ground the iron ore and various alloy additives and then proceed to produce an alloyed steel cutting knife is cost prohibitive. It’s far easier to take advantage of the chains of businesses that produce the alloyed […]

What Should You Do in the Workplace if You Suspect You’ve Received an Email Scam?

Email scams are some of today’s most insidious threats to every company’s computer systems. And because they can spread viruses as well as compromise private information, it’s a common issue we see here at Global IP Networks that compromises data. It’s one reason why we provide a data center that keeps your information safe, especially […]

What Makes Our Customer Service Unique

Global IP Networks (GIP) developed a business around building a safe and positive environment for its customers. That means creating a sense of trust and community with the businesses we work with; and while these virtues may not seem wholly unique on their own, our company has always made it a priority to offer more […]

Tools and Standards for Email Scam Mitigation

You put server infrastructure in place to operate in today’s online world. You upgrade your server concept to colocation with a service like Global IP Networks in order to have access to more capacity and a higher standard than you have the IT department or budget to manage on your own. That addresses server availability, but […]

Time for Colocation? 5 Signs You’re Ready

In life, timing is everything. This is especially true in the business world. Just like great investors know when to put their money on the table, great IT teams know when to make changes to their company’s infrastructure. Weighing out the decision about whether to stick to the status quo or upgrade to an expertly […]

Three Reasons Why Cloud Computing is Ideal for a Small Business

While technological advancements are made in almost every industry, and on a constant basis, technology that you can use for your small business is even better. In this case, it is cloud computing. Instead of using a local server to handle all of your data, this is handled by a network of remote servers, in which […]

Things to Consider When Seeking a Server Hosting Company

You know that server hosting makes your business more secure by providing off-site hosting that keeps your business running in the event of a natural disaster or terrorist attack. You also know that having off-site server hosting lets you free up IT personnel for other projects and lowers your business’ overhead. Since you know the advantages, you […]

The Visionary’s Partner for Mobile App Development

Competition is fierce in today’s mobile app market. Those ‘in the know’ recognize the need to excel in every area of development as major corporations, such as Verizon Wireless (in partnership with Samsung), attempt to cull the brilliance of all mobile app designers- including high school students. So how do the visionaries of mobile app development position themselves […]

The Importance of Reliable Server Hosting

The internet has worked its way into almost every part of life. We use the internet for our maps, for shopping lists, for meeting the loves of our lives’ and for keeping up with Grandma, among millions of other things. So much of everyday life is centered around the internet. From keeping up with potential […]