You Got Phished and Took the Bait: Now What?

There are a number of email scams out there, ranging from emotional appeals from Nigerian royalty to notifications that you just won the lottery in London – even though you’ve never purchased or made an entry. Fortunately, greater education, awareness and suspicion of these types of email scam messages have helped protect a number of […]

Understanding the Different Types of Spam

There are many different types of spam and it is important that you understand the different types in order to better protect yourself from it. If you aren’t familiar with all of the ways spam is delivered, take a look at the different types below. The more you know about spam, the better you will be able […]

The Latest E-Mail Scams Target CEOs and Cost Businesses Billions

It seems you’re always reading about a new email scam every week that fools office employees. Some of those, however, have a lot of clues now that indicate they’re phishing scams. In that regard, employees are a little more on guard on catching email scams while working. Yet, the creators of those emails are always finding new […]

Recover From Disaster Before it Strikes

Having a major incident is something no one looks forward to. But, not looking forward to, and intentionally avoiding discussing it are two entirely different things, and the key to recovering from a disaster is to have the discussions and implement the plans that arise from them today. Everyone hopes that it won’t happen to them, but […]

Network Security is Crucial for Small Businesses

Most business owners know how to think about physical security. They install security cameras over their cash registers, change locks when key employees leave and take cash to the bank whenever it reaches a certain amount. Unfortunately, many business owners don’t know that computer & network security are as important to the survival of their business as […]

Network Security Involves More Than Just Protection From a Cyber Attack

Most businesses know the importance of network security. Protecting the company’s data from a cyber attack or malware is a priority.  However, a recent case in Indiana demonstrates that security also means protecting data from internal error. A minor programming glitch at the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) led to the exposure of more […]

Network Security: How Google Can Help Defend Against Sony-Style Hacking

You’re probably quite familiar by now how hackers, most likely from North Korea, broke into Sony’s network to steal confidential information, disrupt service, and cause general mayhem. You’re resigned to something like that happening to your business someday, thinking true security isn’t possible against determined criminals. Actually, there is something you can do and Google […]

Email Scams: The FBI Says Businesses Are Losing Millions from Being Duped

The worst type of email scam today is one that not only fools employees in companies, but also the executives. And that’s exactly what’s happening now, despite so many being aware of how dangerous email scams are. As the structure of many companies becomes increasingly more complex, more business dealings occur via email. With so many email […]

Disaster Recovery Terms You Need to Know

Like nearly everything else, disaster recovery comes with its own vocabulary. If your company is designing its disaster recovery plan or you’ve experienced a disaster, knowing the following terms and what they mean can help, according to a recent article by SearchServer Virtualization. Disaster recovery. This is perhaps the most important term of all. It’s […]

Cloud Computing: When Disaster Strikes

Cloud computing has had some misconceptions through 2014 that have snowballed to a point where people stop using this solution. Despite the Apple iCloud scare this year, everyone has to keep in mind no technology is perfect if it’s not used correctly. In the case of any security concerns, it’s all in how you monitor the […]