Why Your Business Needs to Upgrade to SSD

Any business in the modern world needs the best networking and computer systems to keep up with their competition. Making sure your internet and network is up to date is important, but at times, we can forget what’s actually inside our computer. SSD (Solid State Drives) may be an upgrade that your business needs to make soon. […]

Why Web Design and Server Hosting Should Be Kept Separate

Many small businesses that want a website understandably appreciate the web designer who takes care of every aspect of its setup. The business owners are too busy running their companies to get involved in the details of setting up a website. Hence they outsource the entire process. However, allowing the web designer to take care of […]

Why Utilize SAN?

SAN (Storage Area Network) is a dedicated high-speed network that interconnects and presents shared pools of storage devices to many servers. In a storage area network, a layer of management software separates the pooled storage resources and the servers that access the storage. This software allows information technology administrators to centralize and manage multiple storage resources […]

Why SSD (Solid State Drives) Are Ideal for Business Storage Applications

Solid state drives have been around longer than most people think, having been used in military and medical applications throughout the 1990s and 2000s. Many early game consoles used solid state drives to improve performance and reduce loading times. Solid state drives started becoming available in laptop computers and on a standalone basis commercially again […]

Why Should You Consider Using A Data Center To Host Your Servers

The data of your business should be the center of everything. It’s the heart of your business, so this makes it necessary for a business to have secure servers hosting their data. In this technology driven world, a data center could easily be one of the most important parts of your company. Some companies choose […]

Why is Network Security so Important?

You’ve heard over and over again that network security is one of the most important things to the continuity of your business, and therefore its success. You haven’t heard wrong, but you may be wondering exactly why it’s so important. Most people only have a vague idea of exactly why the security of their network is so […]

Why Cloud Computing Is Better for the Environment

It was commonly assumed in the past that the move away from paper by business was beneficial to the environment. After all, less paper use means cutting down fewer trees and less demand for the output of paper mills which consume enormous quantities of water. Instead, the change from print to digital media merely altered […]

What is NAS (Network Attached Storage)?

NAS (Network Attached Storage) is a category of dedicated file storage device. It provides local-area network nodes that have file-based shared storage through a standard Ethernet connection. NAS is similar to having a private cloud in your office. It provides the benefits of a public cloud onsite and other advantages are: It is easy to operate […]

Ways You Use the Cloud Daily – Whether You Realize it or Not

The cloud is an amazing thing. It’s been around for years, and it still continues to amaze us. One of the most amazing things about the cloud is how much it has been integrated into our lives. In many cases, we don’t even realize we’re using the cloud. Here are a few ways we use the […]

Tools and Standards for Email Scam Mitigation

You put server infrastructure in place to operate in today’s online world. You upgrade your server concept to colocation with a service like Global IP Networks in order to have access to more capacity and a higher standard than you have the IT department or budget to manage on your own. That addresses server availability, but […]