Business Continuity: 3 Things to Consider

Business continuity isn’t necessarily something you think about every day, but it’s actually very important. In fact, your company’s ability to maintain continuity during an emergency could be the deciding factor in the success or failure of your business. Here are three things you should consider when it comes to preparing and maintaining continuity. Preparedness The […]

Brute Force Hacking: Are Your Servers Safe?

Hollywood often portrays the hacker as an individual who is highly adept at guessing usernames and passwords. In the real world, servers actually do get hacked in this way. However, the guessing isn’t done by a person but rather by software. The software sometimes does this systematically by using all possible combinations of characters to guess usernames […]

Big Data: The Uses Of Data Exhaust

Everyone generates information as a by-product of their activities. Wear patterns indicate favorite couches, and fingerprints reveal objects that have been touched. Data exhaust is unstructured information that is a by-product of digital activity. Unlike worn couches that get thrown out or fingerprints that are cleaned off, recorded digital activity is stored for very long […]

Big Data: The Reason for Optimism in the Fracking Industry

Since the early 1970s, OPEC has had a powerful influence on the price of oil by virtue of its enormous oil production. However, that has changed over the last five years when high oil prices stimulated the U.S. fracking industry. Its huge shale oil output combined with Saudi Arabia’s oversupply efforts to suppress U.S. fracking […]

Big Data: Consider Safe Storage in an Offsite Facility

Today, businesses gather large amounts of industry-specific information from a wide range of available sources. Big data comes from places like social media, chat rooms (public and private) and hard copy sources such as libraries, universities, think tanks, research facilities and news agencies. It is difficult to process all of this data using traditional methods […]

Be Aware Of IRS E-mail Scams This Tax Season

Tax season is upon us. While you are scrabbling around trying to add in those last-minute deductions and maximizing your return, don’t forget to keep your information safe. Tax season is also a prime season for those who like to prey on the public’s vulnerability. Every year, thousands fall victim to a malicious e-mail scam that targets […]

Backup Storage: The Options

What would you do if you lost those pictures of your spouse, or your kids, or your parent? Everybody has files that they don’t want to lose, but from time to time, disaster strikes. Are you prepared? Here are a few of the best backup storage options available today. The Cloud The cloud is generally accepted as […]

Back to the Future and the Future of Storage

October 21, 2015 was a long-awaited day for fans of Marty McFly, Doc Brown, and the Flux Capacitor-fueled DeLorean. It was the day Marty arrived back in the future in Back to the Future II. If the movie were to be made today, one would have to wonder if the Flux Capacitor would have been plagued […]

Are You Losing Mobile Traffic Because of Sluggish Server Hosting?

Mobile Internet traffic is set to overtake desktop and laptop traffic this year according to emarketer. The reason is that mobile technology is fast becoming ubiquitous. When almost everyone carries around a device with Internet access, the chances are good they will use it for that purpose. While a small screen size is something of a […]

3 Things that a Solid State Drive Can do Better than a Standard Hard Drive

By now, you’ve probably heard about a little thing called a solid state drive. In case you haven’t, a solid state drive can serve the same function as a hard drive, but it does it a little differently. A standard hard drive contains several disks that spin at high speeds. A solid state drive has no moving parts. […]