Looking Out for Email Scams During the Holiday Season

Email scams are back in the news again this holiday season as many of them end up in company emails in the guise of real holiday shopping sites. CBS News recently reported on just how sophisticated these new email scams are in fooling companies. One of the reasons employees are so easily duped is because the emails look […]

Is your company sending spam? How to keep your system from being utilized by spammers

Email spam certainly isn’t a new problem. Since the late 90s email spam has been flooding the inboxes of everyone from your grandmother to high-profile executives. It is, however, a persistent one, and the problems it presents can be multifaceted. When looking into spam prevention, there are a few things a company must consider in order to […]

How To Recognize An Email Scam

Con-artists have been around long before email. When email became a reality, the con-artists became very happy. Email meant less work, and higher payoffs for their scams. Many of the scams used via email were used before email began.It seems people will always have a tendency to “fall” for them. These are the most common email […]

Google Study Reveals Continued Effectiveness of Email Scams

Despite all the warnings and ubiquitous nature of email scams, it appears far too many people are still being fooled by them. This information comes from a recent study from Google published by Huffington Post. In the report, statistics now show up to 45% of people have given private information to an email scam, primarily […]

Email Security: Five Tips to Protect Yourself

E-mail can be a terrific form of communication for keeping in touch with family, friends, and business associates. However, using it unwisely may make you and your computer susceptible to spam, scams, and viruses. Here are five tips to avoid these problems: Utilize Security Software A decent security program with a firewall should be your first […]

Email Scams: The FBI Says Businesses Are Losing Millions from Being Duped

The worst type of email scam today is one that not only fools employees in companies, but also the executives. And that’s exactly what’s happening now, despite so many being aware of how dangerous email scams are. As the structure of many companies becomes increasingly more complex, more business dealings occur via email. With so many email […]

Common Anti-Spam Filtering Techniques

Email spam has been a problem for almost twenty years and continues to plague us today. This problem would be far worse if we didn’t have anti-spam software. Two common filtering techniques for blocking email spam will be discussed below: List Filters The simplest anti-spam technique makes use of lists to either allow email into or block […]

Be Aware Of IRS E-mail Scams This Tax Season

Tax season is upon us. While you are scrabbling around trying to add in those last-minute deductions and maximizing your return, don’t forget to keep your information safe. Tax season is also a prime season for those who like to prey on the public’s vulnerability. Every year, thousands fall victim to a malicious e-mail scam that targets […]