Email Security: Five Tips to Protect Yourself

E-mail can be a terrific form of communication for keeping in touch with family, friends, and business associates. However, using it unwisely may make you and your computer susceptible to spam, scams, and viruses. Here are five tips to avoid these problems: Utilize Security Software A decent security program with a firewall should be your first […]

Email Scams: The FBI Says Businesses Are Losing Millions from Being Duped

The worst type of email scam today is one that not only fools employees in companies, but also the executives. And that’s exactly what’s happening now, despite so many being aware of how dangerous email scams are. As the structure of many companies becomes increasingly more complex, more business dealings occur via email. With so many email […]

Choosing An Email Spam Filter

If you have an email inbox, it’s critical you use a spam filter to sift through the countless junk emails you get each day. Spam mail is not only time consuming. It can also bring in malware, phishing software and viruses. Spam filters are software used to scan emails to determine whether of not they’re spam. Before […]