You Got Phished and Took the Bait: Now What?

There are a number of email scams out there, ranging from emotional appeals from Nigerian royalty to notifications that you just won the lottery in London – even though you’ve never purchased or made an entry. Fortunately, greater education, awareness and suspicion of these types of email scam messages have helped protect a number of […]

Why Web Design and Server Hosting Should Be Kept Separate

Many small businesses that want a website understandably appreciate the web designer who takes care of every aspect of its setup. The business owners are too busy running their companies to get involved in the details of setting up a website. Hence they outsource the entire process. However, allowing the web designer to take care of […]

Server Hosting: Can a Butterfly Put You out of Business?

There is a reason why meteorologists can’t predict the weather months in advance. It’s chaotic. This means that although it is readily modeled with the help of computers, it is highly sensitive to the smallest of inputs. Tiny inputs like the flapping of a butterfly’s wings in one area, can lead to a tornado weeks […]

Scoping Out Disaster Scenarios for a More Strategic Business Continuity Plan

The two words of business continuity might sound like a simple concept if you think you’re thoroughly prepared for disasters. If you haven’t had a professional audit of your company, however, you probably only know a quarter of the potential things that could happen to bring excessive downtime. As it’s always said, you probably don’t […]

Putting the Risks of Data Loss and Business Downtime in Dollar Figures

While more and more companies are investing in disaster recovery and preparedness, there are still many remaining that have yet to follow suit. All organizations, no matter how big or small, should have a data backup and recovery plan. The problem is that some businesses don’t think it’s worth it to invest money into disaster […]

Network Security is Crucial for Small Businesses

Most business owners know how to think about physical security. They install security cameras over their cash registers, change locks when key employees leave and take cash to the bank whenever it reaches a certain amount. Unfortunately, many business owners don’t know that computer & network security are as important to the survival of their business as […]

How Unreliable Server Hosting Affects Businesses

Reliable server hosting is important for businesses of all sizes. Depending on how a server is used, server reliability can mean business success or failure even for a two man company. Perhaps the two man company relies on its hosted website or web application to attract customers, sell products, or render online services. Larger companies […]

Enjoy Maximum Security with Colocation Server Hosting

Deciding whether or not to house your own servers isn’t the easiest task. There are pros and cons that you need to consider before making any type of commitment, but as an alternative, you should look into colocation server hosting. Colocation has numerous benefits, including sufficient security. Passive and Active Protection from Fire Fire can spell […]

Email Security: Five Tips to Protect Yourself

E-mail can be a terrific form of communication for keeping in touch with family, friends, and business associates. However, using it unwisely may make you and your computer susceptible to spam, scams, and viruses. Here are five tips to avoid these problems: Utilize Security Software A decent security program with a firewall should be your first […]

Dispelling 3 Myths of Business Continuity

There are many myths out there surrounding business continuity which take away from the main argument. In this blog we’ll dispel three myths we’ve heard way too often. 1. Business continuity isn’t a company objective  When people think of company objectives, they think of things like increases in productivity, hitting certain sales numbers, and minimizing costs. Well, you […]