Top 3 Applications for Big Data

Although the raw acquisition of big data remains an important part of marketing and analytics, this data application is the newest way to ensure you stay on the cutting edge of your industry. Here are some top applications for big data once it is acquired. Big Data Billboards Combining marketing analysis with direct marketing, some billboard companies […]

The Importance Of Paying For Your Server Hosting

For the small business owner or new startup, free server hosting can look tempting. However, unless the free service is run by a charity organization, it must have a business model. In short, they must generate revenue in order to maintain the service and make a profit. A common way to generate revenue is through […]

Start Your Business Off Right with NAS (Network Attached Storage)

Although it may not be in demand right away, your need for storage as a business will grow. In the beginning, there is little data to work with and need stored, but it will change as weeks and months go by. Being ready for this new demand is essential, as opposed to handling it when […]

Serving the World Wide Web

In our 12+ years of being in business, we have learned a ton about data center technology and other emerging tech. Starting now, we will be sharing much of that information on an ongoing basis here on our new blog. To start things out, we just wanted to reiterate who we are and what we […]

SAN (Storage Area Network) Global Market Sees Uptick

According to a recent report from IT-Online, the global market for SAN (Storage Area Network)equipment grew three percent in 2014, to $2.5 billion. After a decline in 2013, demand returned for equipment built to handle the server-to-storage-array of data center traffic, the report stated. The fourth quarter of the year saw growth of two percent, totaling $669 million […]

Four Tips to Get a Good Value on the Servers Contract for Your Business

Once you have established that you are going with a colocation facility to house the servers for your business, there are several steps that you need to take to make sure you get a contract with good value. Determine How Much Physical Space You Need The amount of space you need should not be something you have […]

Control Your Data, Enhance Your Productivity, and Save Money With Cloud Computing

Technology is a jumble of burden and ease. On one hand, businesses can automate most tasks, easily handle massive amounts of data, and deliver exceptional customer service instantaneously. On the other hand, the burden of maintaining, upgrading, and implementing all this technology is taxing companies of capital and limited resources. But cloud computing not only makes your […]

Big Data: The Reason for Optimism in the Fracking Industry

Since the early 1970s, OPEC has had a powerful influence on the price of oil by virtue of its enormous oil production. However, that has changed over the last five years when high oil prices stimulated the U.S. fracking industry. Its huge shale oil output combined with Saudi Arabia’s oversupply efforts to suppress U.S. fracking […]