Tools and Standards for Email Scam Mitigation

You put server infrastructure in place to operate in today’s online world. You upgrade your server concept to colocation with a service like Global IP Networks in order to have access to more capacity and a higher standard than you have the IT department or budget to manage on your own. That addresses server availability, but […]

SANS Policy Templates: Digital Signature Acceptance Policy

The SANS Institute has published several information security policy templates describing best data security practices in template format. This largely means that you can ‘fill in the blanks’ when developing a security policy (although some modification will be in order for your specific circumstances). In this post we’ll look at the SANS template for digital signature acceptance as […]

SANS Policy Templates: Clean Desk Policy

The SANS Institute has published several information security policy templates describing best data security practices in template format. This largely means that you can ‘fill in the blanks’ when developing a security policy (although some modification will be in order for your specific circumstances). In this post we’ll look at the SANS template for developing […]

Five Factors to Look for When Using Cloud Computing for Your Business

We all know the value of cloud computing. It enables you to have a valid backup system that can be accessed any time so that, if your land-based system is temporarily down, it will still function as a service. It is convenient and automatic and takes much of the worry out of how to handle unforeseen […]

Cloud Computing: Denial of Service Attacks

In a cloud computing environment, attacks on shared resources can compromise your cloud solution. It is important to have security in place for when your systems may become compromised. Additionally, managed services such as monitering can avoid many types of attacks. A Denial of Service (DOS Attack) causes increased loads on your servers and network that result […]

Brute Force Hacking: Are Your Servers Safe?

Hollywood often portrays the hacker as an individual who is highly adept at guessing usernames and passwords. In the real world, servers actually do get hacked in this way. However, the guessing isn’t done by a person but rather by software. The software sometimes does this systematically by using all possible combinations of characters to guess usernames […]