What are the Benefits of Using a Business Continuity Center for Disaster Recovery?

Thinking about disaster recovery in relation to your business may not be enjoyable, but it simply has to be done – just as individuals must plan for family members having accidents or passing away. Natural disasters can be devastating, especially to a business, if there’s no preparation beforehand. The good news is, with a plan […]

Things to Consider When Seeking a Server Hosting Company

You know that server hosting makes your business more secure by providing off-site hosting that keeps your business running in the event of a natural disaster or terrorist attack. You also know that having off-site server hosting lets you free up IT personnel for other projects and lowers your business’ overhead. Since you know the advantages, you […]

The Benefits of Network Attached Storage

Smooth and secure shared access to files is an important part of many businesses. Growing businesses often start sharing files without any plan; they just pass around USB sticks or email files. This gets inconvenient after a while, and it poses security risks. A better way is to have a shared storage device that serves […]

Scoping Out Disaster Scenarios for a More Strategic Business Continuity Plan

The two words of business continuity might sound like a simple concept if you think you’re thoroughly prepared for disasters. If you haven’t had a professional audit of your company, however, you probably only know a quarter of the potential things that could happen to bring excessive downtime. As it’s always said, you probably don’t […]

SANS Policy Templates: Pandemic and Business Continuity Policy

The SANS Institute has published several information security policy templates describing best data security practices in template format. This largely means that you can ‘fill in the blanks’ when developing a security policy (although some modification will be in order for your specific circumstances). In this post we’ll look at the SANS template for a pandemic response and […]

Recover From Disaster Before it Strikes

Having a major incident is something no one looks forward to. But, not looking forward to, and intentionally avoiding discussing it are two entirely different things, and the key to recovering from a disaster is to have the discussions and implement the plans that arise from them today. Everyone hopes that it won’t happen to them, but […]

Putting the Risks of Data Loss and Business Downtime in Dollar Figures

While more and more companies are investing in disaster recovery and preparedness, there are still many remaining that have yet to follow suit. All organizations, no matter how big or small, should have a data backup and recovery plan. The problem is that some businesses don’t think it’s worth it to invest money into disaster […]

Is Your Data Safe from Earthquakes?

“Location, location, location!” If you’ve ever leased or purchased a home or office space, you know that location is a serious consideration affecting said purchase in numerous ways. But the importance of place doesn’t begin and end with physical real estate. What about your virtual real estate? Your important business files and documents? It’s important […]

IBM Servers

As small, medium and large enterprises have increasingly complex storage, data and network needs, they continue to invest in more sophisticated servers.  An IBM server provides a cutting edge solution with extremely powerful, reliable service. A typical IBM server has either 8, 10 or 12 cores with 2 all the way up to 16 terabytes of memory. […]

Has your Disaster Recovery Plan been Put to the Test?

Have you tested your disaster recovery plan lately? If not, then how can you be sure that it will work when you need it to? According to a recent article from The Business Journals, you should be testing your planned response to a server failure twice a year, and a catastrophic failure once a year. […]