Business Continuity Requires Disaster Recovery Planning

Many companies don’t recognize that unprotected software and data can be a significant threat to their future. Data backup protects not just a company’s proprietary information, but also that of its vendors, partners and customers. A Disaster  Recovery Plan will help maintain business continuity in the face of an attack, and help them recover faster […]

Business Continuity: 3 Things to Consider

Business continuity isn’t necessarily something you think about every day, but it’s actually very important. In fact, your company’s ability to maintain continuity during an emergency could be the deciding factor in the success or failure of your business. Here are three things you should consider when it comes to preparing and maintaining continuity. Preparedness The […]

Brute Force Hacking: Are Your Servers Safe?

Hollywood often portrays the hacker as an individual who is highly adept at guessing usernames and passwords. In the real world, servers actually do get hacked in this way. However, the guessing isn’t done by a person but rather by software. The software sometimes does this systematically by using all possible combinations of characters to guess usernames […]

Angry Employees Pose Network Security Threat

According to a recent article from CFO, the Department of Homeland Security has said that angry employees pose a “significant” threat to the U.S. community due to the network security issues they cause. The department issued a public service announcement in which it stated that there have been an increasing number of incidents where disgruntled […]