The Latest E-Mail Scams Target CEOs and Cost Businesses Billions

It seems you’re always reading about a new email scam every week that fools office employees. Some of those, however, have a lot of clues now that indicate they’re phishing scams. In that regard, employees are a little more on guard on catching email scams while working. Yet, the creators of those emails are always finding new […]

The Emergence Of Big Data In Marketing

No perfectly straightforward definition of big data exists, and there is plenty of ambiguity over what big data is, but most can agree it is a positive for marketing. Big Data at its core, in a marketing sense, is essentially the mass collection of data about customers and potential customers, and its ongoing analysis. Using […]

The Benefits of Cloud Computing

If you’re thinking about leaping into the cloud, you’re probably making the right choice. For years, cloud computing has been growing, and it’s now a solid concept that is central to many company’s operations. It presents few problems, but comes with many benefits. Let’s talk about a few.   Cheaper Cloud computing is probably cheaper than […]

Statistics Show Businesses Don’t Really Know What to Look for in an Email Scam

Email scams continue to plague businesses no thanks to most of those emails looking far too convincing. While it’s true that many fake emails look like they’re from official sources, statistics keep reminding us that personnel in businesses still can’t tell any difference. Recently, McAfee did a study showing only 3% of those surveyed correctly identified an email […]

Speed Thrills – The Next Generation of SSD

“It wasn’t until I went to college and I got my first motorcycle that I understood the thrill of speed.”   -Vin Diesel Google wants to give your business a gigabit fiber connection to the Internet backbone, and Comcast is rolling out a claimed 2Gbps fiber network in Atlanta. In addition to these fiber offerings, the ever evolving DOCSIS specifications—already […]

Server Hosting: Can a Butterfly Put You out of Business?

There is a reason why meteorologists can’t predict the weather months in advance. It’s chaotic. This means that although it is readily modeled with the help of computers, it is highly sensitive to the smallest of inputs. Tiny inputs like the flapping of a butterfly’s wings in one area, can lead to a tornado weeks […]

Security as a Service

According to Ernst & Young’s 19th Global Information Security Survey 2016-17, some 57 percent of American businesses have recently experienced a significant cybersecurity incident, with 69 percent saying the budget to address cyber threats is half of what is needed.  According to researchers, many cyber criminals have reacted to the improved defense capabilities of large enterprises, […]

Scoping Out Disaster Scenarios for a More Strategic Business Continuity Plan

The two words of business continuity might sound like a simple concept if you think you’re thoroughly prepared for disasters. If you haven’t had a professional audit of your company, however, you probably only know a quarter of the potential things that could happen to bring excessive downtime. As it’s always said, you probably don’t […]

SANS Policy Templates: Digital Signature Acceptance Policy

The SANS Institute has published several information security policy templates describing best data security practices in template format. This largely means that you can ‘fill in the blanks’ when developing a security policy (although some modification will be in order for your specific circumstances). In this post we’ll look at the SANS template for digital signature acceptance as […]

Network Security Question: Is Anyone Spying on You?

To run successfully, your business must keep all kinds information from falling into the hands of hackers or your competitors. These include customer credit card numbers, vendor contract details, and the Social Security numbers of your employers. So you take reasonable precautions in ensuring network security by locking up your servers in a special room, shredding any […]