What Should You Do in the Workplace if You Suspect You’ve Received an Email Scam?

Email scams are some of today’s most insidious threats to every company’s computer systems. And because they can spread viruses as well as compromise private information, it’s a common issue we see here at Global IP Networks that compromises data. It’s one reason why we provide a data center that keeps your information safe, especially […]

SANS Policy Templates: Clean Desk Policy

The SANS Institute has published several information security policy templates describing best data security practices in template format. This largely means that you can ‘fill in the blanks’ when developing a security policy (although some modification will be in order for your specific circumstances). In this post we’ll look at the SANS template for developing […]

Know the signs of an email scam

Each year, well-intentioned Americans report losing billions of dollars to email scams. Some blame naivety or just plain ignorance, but the reality is that while computer users are warned to look out for scams, most never learn what to look for to identify the difference between legitimate email and something malicious. Here are some easy to spot warning […]