Top 3 Applications for Big Data

Although the raw acquisition of big data remains an important part of marketing and analytics, this data application is the newest way to ensure you stay on the cutting edge of your industry. Here are some top applications for big data once it is acquired. Big Data Billboards Combining marketing analysis with direct marketing, some billboard companies […]

KPMG: Executives Want Cloud Computing To Improve Employee Productivity

Business executives are looking to cloud computing to improve employee productivity. That’s according to a KPMG study published recently. According to the survey of 500 leaders in business, 42% said that they are embracing the cloud to fill technology gaps so that employees can have easier access to business resources. That’s almost triple the amount of 15% that recognized the […]

Fast Server Hosting: A Simple Way To Increase Your Revenue

Businesses spend a lot of money trying to increase their online revenue. Money is spent on search engine optimization, webpage design and testing, advertising, social media marketing, pay per click, promotional campaigns, and email marketing. All of these methods take skill to master and money to implement. However, there is one cliche that some businesses […]

Control Your Data, Enhance Your Productivity, and Save Money With Cloud Computing

Technology is a jumble of burden and ease. On one hand, businesses can automate most tasks, easily handle massive amounts of data, and deliver exceptional customer service instantaneously. On the other hand, the burden of maintaining, upgrading, and implementing all this technology is taxing companies of capital and limited resources. But cloud computing not only makes your […]