Tools and Standards for Email Scam Mitigation

You put server infrastructure in place to operate in today’s online world. You upgrade your server concept to colocation with a service like Global IP Networks in order to have access to more capacity and a higher standard than you have the IT department or budget to manage on your own. That addresses server availability, but […]

The Importance Of Paying For Your Server Hosting

For the small business owner or new startup, free server hosting can look tempting. However, unless the free service is run by a charity organization, it must have a business model. In short, they must generate revenue in order to maintain the service and make a profit. A common way to generate revenue is through […]

Statistics Show Businesses Don’t Really Know What to Look for in an Email Scam

Email scams continue to plague businesses no thanks to most of those emails looking far too convincing. While it’s true that many fake emails look like they’re from official sources, statistics keep reminding us that personnel in businesses still can’t tell any difference. Recently, McAfee did a study showing only 3% of those surveyed correctly identified an email […]

Spam E-Mail: A Drain On The Economy

The average e-mail user knows the feeling of excitement when they discover they have an inbox of legitimate emails waiting for them. This feeling often evaporates and becomes disappointment when it is realized that the e-mail is nothing more than spam. It happens to virtually every e-mail user at some point or another. The feeling is […]

Know the signs of an email scam

Each year, well-intentioned Americans report losing billions of dollars to email scams. Some blame naivety or just plain ignorance, but the reality is that while computer users are warned to look out for scams, most never learn what to look for to identify the difference between legitimate email and something malicious. Here are some easy to spot warning […]

Email Security: Five Tips to Protect Yourself

E-mail can be a terrific form of communication for keeping in touch with family, friends, and business associates. However, using it unwisely may make you and your computer susceptible to spam, scams, and viruses. Here are five tips to avoid these problems: Utilize Security Software A decent security program with a firewall should be your first […]

Be Aware of Tax Season Email Scams

Scammers look for opportunity to bait unsuspecting users. Tax season presents a prime opportunity for cybercriminals to disguise a new attack on an unsuspecting victim. Small businesses are especially vulnerable since they are usually not as well protected and often have large amounts of cash in their bank accounts. The prime method used by cybercriminals […]

Be Aware Of IRS E-mail Scams This Tax Season

Tax season is upon us. While you are scrabbling around trying to add in those last-minute deductions and maximizing your return, don’t forget to keep your information safe. Tax season is also a prime season for those who like to prey on the public’s vulnerability. Every year, thousands fall victim to a malicious e-mail scam that targets […]