Why SSD (Solid State Drives) Are Ideal for Business Storage Applications

Solid state drives have been around longer than most people think, having been used in military and medical applications throughout the 1990s and 2000s. Many early game consoles used solid state drives to improve performance and reduce loading times. Solid state drives started becoming available in laptop computers and on a standalone basis commercially again […]

The Future is SSD

SSDs (Solid State Drives) are a lot less likely to crash or fail than hard disk drives because they don’t contain the moving parts of HDDs. This lowers their probability of malfunctioning, since any malfunctioning moving part of an HDD could cause the whole drive to fail or crash. SSDs are also faster than HDDs, which […]

The Benefits of SSD (Solid State Drives)

For the vast majority of the history of computers, magnetic drives of one kind or another have been the normal form of storage. Magnetic drives have held so much appeal because they do not require constant power, and they are easy to overwrite and change data on (as opposed to an optical disc which is […]

Solid State Drives: On The Verge of Revolutionizing Performance, But Facing Rough Year

Solid State Drives (SSD) are the next revolution in storage. Or, more accurately, we can describe this as an ongoing revolution. As costs of the technology dwindle in comparison of traditional hard disk drives (HDD), we stand to see performance of everything from consumer hardware to high-performance servers increase. However, 2013 is the first year in a […]

Backup Storage: The Options

What would you do if you lost those pictures of your spouse, or your kids, or your parent? Everybody has files that they don’t want to lose, but from time to time, disaster strikes. Are you prepared? Here are a few of the best backup storage options available today. The Cloud The cloud is generally accepted as […]

3 Things that a Solid State Drive Can do Better than a Standard Hard Drive

By now, you’ve probably heard about a little thing called a solid state drive. In case you haven’t, a solid state drive can serve the same function as a hard drive, but it does it a little differently. A standard hard drive contains several disks that spin at high speeds. A solid state drive has no moving parts. […]