You Got Phished and Took the Bait: Now What?

There are a number of email scams out there, ranging from emotional appeals from Nigerian royalty to notifications that you just won the lottery in London – even though you’ve never purchased or made an entry. Fortunately, greater education, awareness and suspicion of these types of email scam messages have helped protect a number of […]

Understanding the Different Types of Spam

There are many different types of spam and it is important that you understand the different types in order to better protect yourself from it. If you aren’t familiar with all of the ways spam is delivered, take a look at the different types below. The more you know about spam, the better you will be able […]

Tools and Standards for Email Scam Mitigation

You put server infrastructure in place to operate in today’s online world. You upgrade your server concept to colocation with a service like Global IP Networks in order to have access to more capacity and a higher standard than you have the IT department or budget to manage on your own. That addresses server availability, but […]

The Harm that Spam can Bring to Your Business’s Doorstep

In 2003, the Can-Spam Act set a list of rules that business owners have to follow when it comes to email marketing. The general tone of the act was that, spamming clients, both potential and current, was considered an illegal exploitation of private contact information. There are many ways that using spam to promote your business can […]

Spoofing: What It Is And How It’s Used In An Email Scam

Email spoofing is the use of a fake sender address in an email message. It is used by email scammers to hide the origin of their message. By modifying the “from”, “reply” and “return path” fields of the email header, they can make the email appear to be from someone else. This is easy to […]

Spam E-Mail: A Drain On The Economy

The average e-mail user knows the feeling of excitement when they discover they have an inbox of legitimate emails waiting for them. This feeling often evaporates and becomes disappointment when it is realized that the e-mail is nothing more than spam. It happens to virtually every e-mail user at some point or another. The feeling is […]

Know the signs of an email scam

Each year, well-intentioned Americans report losing billions of dollars to email scams. Some blame naivety or just plain ignorance, but the reality is that while computer users are warned to look out for scams, most never learn what to look for to identify the difference between legitimate email and something malicious. Here are some easy to spot warning […]

Is your company sending spam? How to keep your system from being utilized by spammers

Email spam certainly isn’t a new problem. Since the late 90s email spam has been flooding the inboxes of everyone from your grandmother to high-profile executives. It is, however, a persistent one, and the problems it presents can be multifaceted. When looking into spam prevention, there are a few things a company must consider in order to […]

Highly Effective Email Marketing With Big Data

Since the 1990s, the use of email as a marketing tool has been highly effective. Although there are more fashionable marketing channels today, email marketing continues to hold its own. One reason for this is that the marketer does not have to wait for people to come to him via a website or social media […]

Hidden Hazards of Spam And What You Can Do About Them

Spam has been a big problem ever since the early days of email and other online communication, but it carries more than a simple annoyance. Many people simply view spam as a time-consuming problem to delete out of their inboxes each day. Email filters can help, but they frequently fail to completely squash the problem. Spam […]