The Visionary’s Partner for Mobile App Development

Competition is fierce in today’s mobile app market. Those ‘in the know’ recognize the need to excel in every area of development as major corporations, such as Verizon Wireless (in partnership with Samsung), attempt to cull the brilliance of all mobile app designers- including high school students. So how do the visionaries of mobile app development position themselves […]

Statistics Show Businesses Don’t Really Know What to Look for in an Email Scam

Email scams continue to plague businesses no thanks to most of those emails looking far too convincing. While it’s true that many fake emails look like they’re from official sources, statistics keep reminding us that personnel in businesses still can’t tell any difference. Recently, McAfee did a study showing only 3% of those surveyed correctly identified an email […]

Dispelling 3 Myths of Business Continuity

There are many myths out there surrounding business continuity which take away from the main argument. In this blog we’ll dispel three myths we’ve heard way too often. 1. Business continuity isn’t a company objective  When people think of company objectives, they think of things like increases in productivity, hitting certain sales numbers, and minimizing costs. Well, you […]

Cut Down On Expenses with Outsourced Server Hosting

Hosting for your business is essential, especially if you have a lot of web traffic, and this is because your business’s success relies on the ability for your connection to remain online. It is important to make sure you hosting is reliable, which you can accomplish with outsourced server hosting, but outsourcing it also provides the […]

Control Your Data, Enhance Your Productivity, and Save Money With Cloud Computing

Technology is a jumble of burden and ease. On one hand, businesses can automate most tasks, easily handle massive amounts of data, and deliver exceptional customer service instantaneously. On the other hand, the burden of maintaining, upgrading, and implementing all this technology is taxing companies of capital and limited resources. But cloud computing not only makes your […]

Consider Colocation for Server Hosting to Simplify Your Business

Although it is possible to house your own hardware and servers successfully, there is a viable alternative in colocation that you should consider to keep your business simple and straightforward. When housing your own hardware, you can take your own measures until you are satisfied, but high-quality colocation providers for server hosting can satisfy or exceed your […]