Recover From Disaster Before it Strikes

Having a major incident is something no one looks forward to. But, not looking forward to, and intentionally avoiding discussing it are two entirely different things, and the key to recovering from a disaster is to have the discussions and implement the plans that arise from them today. Everyone hopes that it won’t happen to them, but […]

Ensuring Business Continuity During Disaster Recovery Time

Recent news reminds business owners of the need for business continuity in technology when there is a natural disaster or loss of utilities. Preparation for disaster recovery down-time should be made before there is a potential threat, and choosing the right partner in data protection and co-location is vital to creating a safe and positive environment for […]

Email Security: Five Tips to Protect Yourself

E-mail can be a terrific form of communication for keeping in touch with family, friends, and business associates. However, using it unwisely may make you and your computer susceptible to spam, scams, and viruses. Here are five tips to avoid these problems: Utilize Security Software A decent security program with a firewall should be your first […]

Disaster Recovery: Safeguard Company Data

When business technology becomes a competitive asset rather than a burdensome liability, it has also become worthy of protection. Show respect for the information by planning security to protect it from the potential disasters that could destroy it. Disaster recovery is the acknowledgement of possible disasters and the advance planning to continue business as usual. […]

Business Continuity Requires Disaster Recovery Planning

Many companies don’t recognize that unprotected software and data can be a significant threat to their future. Data backup protects not just a company’s proprietary information, but also that of its vendors, partners and customers. A Disaster  Recovery Plan will help maintain business continuity in the face of an attack, and help them recover faster […]