Industry Series: Why Proper Data Centers Are Crucial for Healthcare

In the Information Age, data is the currency of a successful business. As our industries shift to technology-powered entities, data storage becomes increasingly critical. Nowhere is this truer than in healthcare. As a whole, the healthcare industry is responsible for the population’s most personal information. Between electronic health records (EHRs) detailing our medical history, disease […]

IBM Servers

As small, medium and large enterprises have increasingly complex storage, data and network needs, they continue to invest in more sophisticated servers.  An IBM server provides a cutting edge solution with extremely powerful, reliable service. A typical IBM server has either 8, 10 or 12 cores with 2 all the way up to 16 terabytes of memory. […]

HP Proudly Announces “Welcome to The Machine”

“Welcome my son, welcome to the machine.” (Pink Floyd, Legendary Rock Band) It’s possible, I suppose, that HP President and CEO Meg Whitman is a Pink Floyd fan from way back. Or maybe the reason for naming their newest device of wonder and futuristic vision, The Machine, is just because an item of such potential […]

How Unreliable Server Hosting Affects Businesses

Reliable server hosting is important for businesses of all sizes. Depending on how a server is used, server reliability can mean business success or failure even for a two man company. Perhaps the two man company relies on its hosted website or web application to attract customers, sell products, or render online services. Larger companies […]

How To Recognize An Email Scam

Con-artists have been around long before email. When email became a reality, the con-artists became very happy. Email meant less work, and higher payoffs for their scams. Many of the scams used via email were used before email began.It seems people will always have a tendency to “fall” for them. These are the most common email […]

How to Grow Your Business Using Mobile App Development

An increasing number of small business owners are discovering the value in using mobile app development for business growth. It is clear to understand an entrepreneurs to use mobile apps for business growth since mobile device usage and social networking are at an all time high. Mobile devices offer companies the opportunity to remain in contact with their […]

How Thieves Steal Your Password to Compromise Your Network Security

You need not worry about run-of-the-mill viruses that try to infect your system surreptitiously. Your firewall and security software does a good job of preventing such digital intrusions. What you have to watch out for are tricks that lure you into explicitly revealing your confidential information. Hackers make such attempts using the following methods: Phoney […]

How The Insurance Industry Uses Big Data And Telematics

Insurance premiums are based on a risk assessment of the insured. The greater the probability that a customer will file a claim, the higher his rates. If the insurer gets this risk assessment wrong, the company either loses money when the premium is too low, or loses safe drivers to the competition when the premiums […]

How a Business Can Benefit From Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is getting a good deal of media attention, though many in the business community are still unclear about how what exactly it is and how it differs from other data storage and retrieval methods. In simple terms, cloud computing entials placing all software resources employees need on a web-based rather than a desktop-based platform.  […]

Highly Effective Email Marketing With Big Data

Since the 1990s, the use of email as a marketing tool has been highly effective. Although there are more fashionable marketing channels today, email marketing continues to hold its own. One reason for this is that the marketer does not have to wait for people to come to him via a website or social media […]