Hidden Hazards of Spam And What You Can Do About Them

Spam has been a big problem ever since the early days of email and other online communication, but it carries more than a simple annoyance. Many people simply view spam as a time-consuming problem to delete out of their inboxes each day. Email filters can help, but they frequently fail to completely squash the problem. Spam […]

Has your Disaster Recovery Plan been Put to the Test?

Have you tested your disaster recovery plan lately? If not, then how can you be sure that it will work when you need it to? According to a recent article from The Business Journals, you should be testing your planned response to a server failure twice a year, and a catastrophic failure once a year. […]

Graph Analytics: A Big Data Tool for Analyzing Relationships

Graph analytics is used to study relationships between the nodes of a network. Nodes are graphically depicted as points and can represent individual people, objects, computers, or anything capable of interacting with other nodes. An interaction is represented with an arrow that connects two nodes. The arrow points from the node that initiates the interaction to its recipient. The […]

Google Study Reveals Continued Effectiveness of Email Scams

Despite all the warnings and ubiquitous nature of email scams, it appears far too many people are still being fooled by them. This information comes from a recent study from Google published by Huffington Post. In the report, statistics now show up to 45% of people have given private information to an email scam, primarily […]

Getting the Best from Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is the use of a variety of computing concepts to run programs or applications in many connected computers simultaneously. This mainly relies on sharing of resources, which allows companies to save on resources such as time and money to ensure that they focus on the growth, success and expansion of the business. According to Forbes, […]

Four Tips to Get a Good Value on the Servers Contract for Your Business

Once you have established that you are going with a colocation facility to house the servers for your business, there are several steps that you need to take to make sure you get a contract with good value. Determine How Much Physical Space You Need The amount of space you need should not be something you have […]

Four E-Commerce Applications of Big Data

While big data has proven beneficial to brick and mortar stores, it is especially well suited for e-commerce. Unlike the offline world, change is effected more rapidly online in response to information input. For example, the prices of e-commerce products and the types of products displayed, can be instantly adjusted according to the specifics of each visitor […]

Five Factors to Look for When Using Cloud Computing for Your Business

We all know the value of cloud computing. It enables you to have a valid backup system that can be accessed any time so that, if your land-based system is temporarily down, it will still function as a service. It is convenient and automatic and takes much of the worry out of how to handle unforeseen […]

Fast Server Hosting: A Simple Way To Increase Your Revenue

Businesses spend a lot of money trying to increase their online revenue. Money is spent on search engine optimization, webpage design and testing, advertising, social media marketing, pay per click, promotional campaigns, and email marketing. All of these methods take skill to master and money to implement. However, there is one cliche that some businesses […]

Ensuring Business Continuity During Disaster Recovery Time

Recent news reminds business owners of the need for business continuity in technology when there is a natural disaster or loss of utilities. Preparation for disaster recovery down-time should be made before there is a potential threat, and choosing the right partner in data protection and co-location is vital to creating a safe and positive environment for […]