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Why Your Business Needs to Upgrade to SSD

Any business in the modern world needs the best networking and computer systems to keep up with their competition. Making sure your internet and network is up to date is important, but at times, we can forget what’s actually inside our computer. SSD (Solid State Drives) may be an upgrade that your business needs to make soon.

What is a SSD?

A solid state drive is an alternative to a hard drive. Similar to a hard drive, it’s the component of a computer that saves files and keeps them stored on your computer. Hard drives, however, have mechanical moving components, while solid state drives have no moving parts whatsoever. Solid state drives can read and write files onto the drive without having to physically move anything, making processes quicker. Also, most solid state drives are flash-based, which allows them to retain the information on the drive once power is lost.

Why do my businesses computers need SSDs?

Since there are no moving parts in a solid state drive, they are much quicker than traditional hard drives. They make opening, saving, and editing files snappier, and can drastically decrease workers’ time waiting for applications or files to open, giving them more time to be productive. They can increase productivity by a landslide, especially if your computers have very old hard drives currently installed. Sometimes, your computer even feels brand new after upgrading from a hard drive to a solid state drive.

How to get SSDs installed

If you’re interested in getting your computers upgraded and installing solid state drives into your systems, contact us today and we’ll point you in the right direction! Solid state drives are the wave of the future, and installing them now can set you ahead of your competitors.


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