Protecting Your Data One Security Feature at a Time

Expensive server equipment and vital internet-related software are the life-support for your entire operation. Together they house essential and virtually priceless data. Securing this critical data is a full-time job. While protecting millions of dollars worth of server hardware is a natural inclination, most companies fall short when it comes to security. Between theft, natural […]

Picking out an Email Scam

With new technology comes new ways that crooks will find to exploit the unwary. Just because your email is private to you does not mean that it cannot be used against you in a thief’s struggle to take advantage.  Though the techniques of email scammers will continue to evolve as individual security measures and caution […]

Personalized Server Hosting Free of Risky Business

Large server hosting data centers are trying to market their services to everyone, but this comes at a cost. First of all, by trying to appeal to everyone, they’re mixing risky businesses with safer ones. Second, their solutions are more generalized, resulting in their customer support being less personal. Choosing  personalized server hosting, free from at-risk businesses, […]

Network Security Question: Is Anyone Spying on You?

To run successfully, your business must keep all kinds information from falling into the hands of hackers or your competitors. These include customer credit card numbers, vendor contract details, and the Social Security numbers of your employers. So you take reasonable precautions in ensuring network security by locking up your servers in a special room, shredding any […]

Network Security is More than Just Software

An  Internet connection is necessary so your business can communicate with employees, customers, and suppliers. Because this communications technology can expose your data to hackers and malware, you’ve initiated software and protocols to protect your digital information. You can also implement two physical security steps to add to that protection? For example, you’ve implemented a […]

Network Security is Crucial for Small Businesses

Most business owners know how to think about physical security. They install security cameras over their cash registers, change locks when key employees leave and take cash to the bank whenever it reaches a certain amount. Unfortunately, many business owners don’t know that computer & network security are as important to the survival of their business as […]

Network Security Involves More Than Just Protection From a Cyber Attack

Most businesses know the importance of network security. Protecting the company’s data from a cyber attack or malware is a priority.  However, a recent case in Indiana demonstrates that security also means protecting data from internal error. A minor programming glitch at the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) led to the exposure of more […]

Network Security: How Google Can Help Defend Against Sony-Style Hacking

You’re probably quite familiar by now how hackers, most likely from North Korea, broke into Sony’s network to steal confidential information, disrupt service, and cause general mayhem. You’re resigned to something like that happening to your business someday, thinking true security isn’t possible against determined criminals. Actually, there is something you can do and Google […]

Network Security: A Few Tips

If you maintain a network, then you understand the importance of network security. A company’s most sensitive data is stored on the network, and any loss of continuity in the operation of the network can lead to disaster. Here are a few tips on keeping a network not only up and running, but also safe from […]

Network Attached Storage (NAS) Systems

NAS (Network Attached Storage) systems are data storage devices that provide local area network nodes that allow users in a network to share the use of the storage. Each NAS has its own IP address and is therefore fully addressable. As such, these systems form the core of in-house clouds. However, most users of NAS systems link […]