NAS (Network Attached Storage) Enhances Data Storage Abilities

Today there are many companies that utilize the benefits of a NAS (Network Attached Storage).  The NAS unit is often attached to a network that only offers file-based data storage functions to other devices on a network.  They are storage systems designed to deliver the ability to have centralized and scalable process that will stream, […]

Mobile App Development Becoming a Greater Force for Competitive Businesses

The mobile app development revolution is often spoken of as if it is far from reaching its full potential. In general, mobile uptake for businesses is seen as a work in progress, and at times viewed as a transition that is barely in the process of revving up. However, there is a vivid sign that the move […]

Maximize Your Uptime with Server Hosting Services

Operating a business is a time-consuming responsibility. You spend your time acquiring and serving clients, meeting your reporting and financial obligations, and developing the resources to continue to satisfy your customers. You need to stay on the cusp of your market’s frontier, which means you have to be developing new products and services to meet the shifting […]

Managing big data: Some tips for Consistency

It’s no secret that big data is an up-and-coming player in today’s high technology sector. As businesses and internet connections grow, more and more of the tech sector is consumed by the need to manage huge amounts of information. After all, you can learn a lot about your customer base by studying their habits, and in order […]

Looking Out for Email Scams During the Holiday Season

Email scams are back in the news again this holiday season as many of them end up in company emails in the guise of real holiday shopping sites. CBS News recently reported on just how sophisticated these new email scams are in fooling companies. One of the reasons employees are so easily duped is because the emails look […]

KPMG: Executives Want Cloud Computing To Improve Employee Productivity

Business executives are looking to cloud computing to improve employee productivity. That’s according to a KPMG study published recently. According to the survey of 500 leaders in business, 42% said that they are embracing the cloud to fill technology gaps so that employees can have easier access to business resources. That’s almost triple the amount of 15% that recognized the […]

Know the signs of an email scam

Each year, well-intentioned Americans report losing billions of dollars to email scams. Some blame naivety or just plain ignorance, but the reality is that while computer users are warned to look out for scams, most never learn what to look for to identify the difference between legitimate email and something malicious. Here are some easy to spot warning […]

Keeping the “Bring Your Own Device” Policy In Line With Your Network Security

Bring your own device (BYOD) is a trend that has been developing over the past few years. It’s good for companies because employees bringing in their own devices ultimately results in cost-savings. In addition, employees seem to like it as well because they more comfortable working on their own devices. Sounds good, right? There’s just […]

Is Your Data Safe from Earthquakes?

“Location, location, location!” If you’ve ever leased or purchased a home or office space, you know that location is a serious consideration affecting said purchase in numerous ways. But the importance of place doesn’t begin and end with physical real estate. What about your virtual real estate? Your important business files and documents? It’s important […]

Is your company sending spam? How to keep your system from being utilized by spammers

Email spam certainly isn’t a new problem. Since the late 90s email spam has been flooding the inboxes of everyone from your grandmother to high-profile executives. It is, however, a persistent one, and the problems it presents can be multifaceted. When looking into spam prevention, there are a few things a company must consider in order to […]