Tips for buying a new SSD (Solid State Drive)

A SSD (Solid State Drive) is a data storage device similar to a hard drive. While more expensive, they offer higher access speeds since they have no mechanical components. This also means that they have a longer lifespan and can run virtually silently. When buying a new SSD here are some things to keep in […]

Time for Colocation? 5 Signs You’re Ready

In life, timing is everything. This is especially true in the business world. Just like great investors know when to put their money on the table, great IT teams know when to make changes to their company’s infrastructure. Weighing out the decision about whether to stick to the status quo or upgrade to an expertly […]

Three Things the Cloud Can Do for Your Business

If you run a business, you’ve heard of cloud computing. However, you may not be aware of all of the things that the cloud can do. In fact, the cloud itself can almost run a business, if the right person is in charge. Here are a few things you may not have realized the cloud can […]

Three Reasons Why Cloud Computing is Ideal for a Small Business

While technological advancements are made in almost every industry, and on a constant basis, technology that you can use for your small business is even better. In this case, it is cloud computing. Instead of using a local server to handle all of your data, this is handled by a network of remote servers, in which […]

Three Key Considerations Regarding Network Security

Now more than ever, the concern of network security should be one of the top priorities of small business owners. With accounts of unsuspecting startups devastated by cyber attacks becoming more and more common, network security is a concern that can no longer be ignored. Three Key Considerations Regarding Network Security: 1. Smaller doesn’t necessarily mean safer. Although some businesses […]

Things to Consider When Seeking a Server Hosting Company

You know that server hosting makes your business more secure by providing off-site hosting that keeps your business running in the event of a natural disaster or terrorist attack. You also know that having off-site server hosting lets you free up IT personnel for other projects and lowers your business’ overhead. Since you know the advantages, you […]

The Visionary’s Partner for Mobile App Development

Competition is fierce in today’s mobile app market. Those ‘in the know’ recognize the need to excel in every area of development as major corporations, such as Verizon Wireless (in partnership with Samsung), attempt to cull the brilliance of all mobile app designers- including high school students. So how do the visionaries of mobile app development position themselves […]

The True Cost of Data Center Downtime and How to Avoid it

Think you’re immune to data center failure? Think again. According to a 2013 Emerson Network Power study, 91% of organizations polled stated they had experienced an unplanned data center outage in the last 24 months. Across all verticals, data center downtime remains a costly reality that strains budgets and jeapordizes mission-critical data. It’s especially problematic […]

The top three benefits of SSD (Solid State Drives)

It may be time in the life cycle of your computer hardware to consider swapping out some of your conventional hard drives. Perhaps you’re relying more and more on the cloud for your IT support and have noticed that your hardware has been subjected to less of a load. If so, upgrading hard drive components […]

The Role of Business Impact Analysis in Business Continuity

The majority of work concerning business continuity is done in the planning stage. Businesses need to be sure that they have the technology and cooperation from their staff to quickly resume business operations in the event of a disaster. An important element during the planning stage is conducting a business impact analysis (BIA). A business impact analysis […]