The Mobile Market is Booming: Insuring Successful Mobile App Development

Many businesses have been toying with the idea of building one or several unique apps. Instead of just building generic mobile representations of their website; they want to build functional and useful consumer tools. This is because these simple little programs are quite profitable for individuals and corporations alike. However, creating an app that people […]

The Latest E-Mail Scams Target CEOs and Cost Businesses Billions

It seems you’re always reading about a new email scam every week that fools office employees. Some of those, however, have a lot of clues now that indicate they’re phishing scams. In that regard, employees are a little more on guard on catching email scams while working. Yet, the creators of those emails are always finding new […]

The Importance of Reliable Server Hosting

The internet has worked its way into almost every part of life. We use the internet for our maps, for shopping lists, for meeting the loves of our lives’ and for keeping up with Grandma, among millions of other things. So much of everyday life is centered around the internet. From keeping up with potential […]

The Importance Of Paying For Your Server Hosting

For the small business owner or new startup, free server hosting can look tempting. However, unless the free service is run by a charity organization, it must have a business model. In short, they must generate revenue in order to maintain the service and make a profit. A common way to generate revenue is through […]

The Importance of Business Continuity: Surviving a Disaster or Crash

One of the most critical things a business can have in place these days is an emergency disaster plan. While no one likes to think about the possibility of disasters, natural disasters such as floods, storms, and earthquakes happen somewhere every day. The residents of Colorado this year never dreamed such a flood would happen […]

The Hidden Costs of Cheap Server Hosting

Most people get a feeling of satisfaction when they find a good deal, and in the world of web hosting, there is no shortage of these. For as little as five dollars per month, you get what seems like generous bandwidth and free one click installs of popular content management systems. You have access to […]

The Harm that Spam can Bring to Your Business’s Doorstep

In 2003, the Can-Spam Act set a list of rules that business owners have to follow when it comes to email marketing. The general tone of the act was that, spamming clients, both potential and current, was considered an illegal exploitation of private contact information. There are many ways that using spam to promote your business can […]

The Future is SSD

SSDs (Solid State Drives) are a lot less likely to crash or fail than hard disk drives because they don’t contain the moving parts of HDDs. This lowers their probability of malfunctioning, since any malfunctioning moving part of an HDD could cause the whole drive to fail or crash. SSDs are also faster than HDDs, which […]

The Four Most Common Business Continuity Missteps and How to Avoid Them

The importance business continuity can not be overstated, yet many businesses fall short in their planning efforts. That’s why we’ve compiled four of the most common business continuity pitfalls and how to avoid them. Not having a good grasp on the business: A business plan is incredibly important. If it is quickly disregarded or set […]

The Emergence Of Big Data In Marketing

No perfectly straightforward definition of big data exists, and there is plenty of ambiguity over what big data is, but most can agree it is a positive for marketing. Big Data at its core, in a marketing sense, is essentially the mass collection of data about customers and potential customers, and its ongoing analysis. Using […]