How Colocation Services Can Fit in Your New Budget in 2017

Is your on-premise date center or server room at capacity? Don’t spend additional capex dollars by expanding before you consider Colocation. Moving your production and/or DR environment off premise and into a colocation facility has significant benefits.

Security, scalability, reliability, multiple redundancy’s and a staff making sure it’s uptime is all the time 24x7x365. These are just a few of the many reasons a CIO will want to take advantage of colocation. CEOs and CFOs who are serious about containing costs will see the immediate benefits as the savings head straight for the bottom line.

Slashing the Total Cost of Ownership

  1. The Front End

Again, if your organization is considering whether to build its own data center or expand its current space, or anywhere in between, the C-suite is most concerned that such undertakings present a well-planned and realized return on investment.

Colocation at Global IP Networks eliminates the up-front costs of in-house hosting, while providing state of the art multi-layer security systems, that make our facilities SOC 2 Type II, HIPAA and PCI compliant.

  1. Maintaining

Once an organization has decided on colocation, the savings do not stop. Like the weather, an IT budget forecast for an in-house set-up is subject to outside forces that can turn a cloudless sky into a perfect financial storm.  Included in such a budget will be skilled staff for maintaining and monitoring equipment for technical issues, uninterruptible power (for servers and to bleed away heat), backup generators, keeping pace with technical advances and regulations, and a buffer – funds to cover the unpredicted.

Within Global IP Networks facilities, every maintenance item and its related cost is transparent and again predictable, making budget forecasting a fact-based science, rather than an art.  Additionally, the organization will have the peace of mind that its equipment and data are being maintained and monitored always, making its data as well as its budget, and therefore its future secure.

  1. Making the CFO Smile

Finally, with a view to the ledger, because the nature of colocation costs is predictable it can be tallied under the operating budget, as opposed to the capital investment column.  The cost savings and predictability offer organizations a secure foundation to use those funds for other capital investments or to improve operations.

Interested in turning a potentially hefty capital investment into a predictable, scalable, and secure framework that is simply an operating cost? Contact the experts at Global IP Networks.  Let us support you in planning and deploying the best possible data infrastructure model to fit your specific needs now and for your future.


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