What Does a Company of the Future Look Like?

To say 2020 has brought about some major trials and challenges would be an understatement. The abruptness of COVID-19 has left many in somewhat of a pickle, forced to adjust with a lack of equipment and policies, insufficient VPN access, inadequate software, lack of cybersecurity measures, and other elements that normally would takes weeks (or […]

Will Work Be Remote Forever?

Enabling Your Remote Workforce

According to a Gallup poll, 50% of Americans who now work remotely said they want to continue doing so even after restrictions on business are lifted. A new study by Erik Brynjolfsson, at MIT, and five other economists, dig into the numbers on remote work. They conducted two major surveys in April and May, that […]

Why You Should Only Outsource Business Continuity to a Service Provider That You Can Trust

A recent survey conducted by Tech Target provides insight as to how business owners view their business continuity and disaster recovery plans. The following results of the survey show that many firms are now adopting the service to protect their future business operations: 77% of respondents said they have a disaster recovery test plan in place 61% of respondents […]

Why Should You Consider Using A Data Center To Host Your Servers

The data of your business should be the center of everything. It’s the heart of your business, so this makes it necessary for a business to have secure servers hosting their data. In this technology driven world, a data center could easily be one of the most important parts of your company. Some companies choose […]

What Should You Do in the Workplace if You Suspect You’ve Received an Email Scam?

Email scams are some of today’s most insidious threats to every company’s computer systems. And because they can spread viruses as well as compromise private information, it’s a common issue we see here at Global IP Networks that compromises data. It’s one reason why we provide a data center that keeps your information safe, especially […]

What is Business Continuity and Why is it Vital?

Whether you have 5 employees or 5,000, you want sustained uptime. That means the infrastructure that houses your company’s most critical data and the people who run it are invaluable, regardless of size. Do your employees know what to do in the event of an emergency? No matter how many of them do, a business […]

What are the Benefits of Using a Business Continuity Center for Disaster Recovery?

Thinking about disaster recovery in relation to your business may not be enjoyable, but it simply has to be done – just as individuals must plan for family members having accidents or passing away. Natural disasters can be devastating, especially to a business, if there’s no preparation beforehand. The good news is, with a plan […]

The Visionary’s Partner for Mobile App Development

Competition is fierce in today’s mobile app market. Those ‘in the know’ recognize the need to excel in every area of development as major corporations, such as Verizon Wireless (in partnership with Samsung), attempt to cull the brilliance of all mobile app designers- including high school students. So how do the visionaries of mobile app development position themselves […]

The Role of Business Impact Analysis in Business Continuity

The majority of work concerning business continuity is done in the planning stage. Businesses need to be sure that they have the technology and cooperation from their staff to quickly resume business operations in the event of a disaster. An important element during the planning stage is conducting a business impact analysis (BIA). A business impact analysis […]

The Importance of Business Continuity: Surviving a Disaster or Crash

One of the most critical things a business can have in place these days is an emergency disaster plan. While no one likes to think about the possibility of disasters, natural disasters such as floods, storms, and earthquakes happen somewhere every day. The residents of Colorado this year never dreamed such a flood would happen […]