The Four Most Common Business Continuity Missteps and How to Avoid Them

The importance business continuity can not be overstated, yet many businesses fall short in their planning efforts. That’s why we’ve compiled four of the most common business continuity pitfalls and how to avoid them. Not having a good grasp on the business: A business plan is incredibly important. If it is quickly disregarded or set […]

The Emergence Of Big Data In Marketing

No perfectly straightforward definition of big data exists, and there is plenty of ambiguity over what big data is, but most can agree it is a positive for marketing. Big Data at its core, in a marketing sense, is essentially the mass collection of data about customers and potential customers, and its ongoing analysis. Using […]

Taking the Buffet Approach to Cloud Computing

Few organizations survive without trial and error. What may work well today may not work tomorrow. While it is possible to build educated guesses on market fluctuations, no one knows the future. Uncertainty may be the reason companies have invested in a buffet style cloud computing approach. Why are organizations not focusing on one single […]

Serving the World Wide Web

In our 12+ years of being in business, we have learned a ton about data center technology and other emerging tech. Starting now, we will be sharing much of that information on an ongoing basis here on our new blog. To start things out, we just wanted to reiterate who we are and what we […]

Server Hosting: Can a Butterfly Put You out of Business?

There is a reason why meteorologists can’t predict the weather months in advance. It’s chaotic. This means that although it is readily modeled with the help of computers, it is highly sensitive to the smallest of inputs. Tiny inputs like the flapping of a butterfly’s wings in one area, can lead to a tornado weeks […]

Scoping Out Disaster Scenarios for a More Strategic Business Continuity Plan

The two words of business continuity might sound like a simple concept if you think you’re thoroughly prepared for disasters. If you haven’t had a professional audit of your company, however, you probably only know a quarter of the potential things that could happen to bring excessive downtime. As it’s always said, you probably don’t […]

SANS Policy Templates: Pandemic and Business Continuity Policy

The SANS Institute has published several information security policy templates describing best data security practices in template format. This largely means that you can ‘fill in the blanks’ when developing a security policy (although some modification will be in order for your specific circumstances). In this post we’ll look at the SANS template for a pandemic response and […]

SANS Policy Templates: Disaster Recovery

The SANS Institute has published several information security policy templates describing best data security practices in template format. This largely means that you can ‘fill in the blanks’ when developing a security policy (although some modification will be in order for your specific circumstances). In this post we’ll look at the SANS template for disaster recovery planning. Disaster […]

Recover From Disaster Before it Strikes

Having a major incident is something no one looks forward to. But, not looking forward to, and intentionally avoiding discussing it are two entirely different things, and the key to recovering from a disaster is to have the discussions and implement the plans that arise from them today. Everyone hopes that it won’t happen to them, but […]

Putting the Risks of Data Loss and Business Downtime in Dollar Figures

While more and more companies are investing in disaster recovery and preparedness, there are still many remaining that have yet to follow suit. All organizations, no matter how big or small, should have a data backup and recovery plan. The problem is that some businesses don’t think it’s worth it to invest money into disaster […]