Personalized Server Hosting Free of Risky Business

Large server hosting data centers are trying to market their services to everyone, but this comes at a cost. First of all, by trying to appeal to everyone, they’re mixing risky businesses with safer ones. Second, their solutions are more generalized, resulting in their customer support being less personal. Choosing  personalized server hosting, free from at-risk businesses, […]

Network Security: How Google Can Help Defend Against Sony-Style Hacking

You’re probably quite familiar by now how hackers, most likely from North Korea, broke into Sony’s network to steal confidential information, disrupt service, and cause general mayhem. You’re resigned to something like that happening to your business someday, thinking true security isn’t possible against determined criminals. Actually, there is something you can do and Google […]

Network Security: A Few Tips

If you maintain a network, then you understand the importance of network security. A company’s most sensitive data is stored on the network, and any loss of continuity in the operation of the network can lead to disaster. Here are a few tips on keeping a network not only up and running, but also safe from […]

Looking Out for Email Scams During the Holiday Season

Email scams are back in the news again this holiday season as many of them end up in company emails in the guise of real holiday shopping sites. CBS News recently reported on just how sophisticated these new email scams are in fooling companies. One of the reasons employees are so easily duped is because the emails look […]

Is Your Data Safe from Earthquakes?

“Location, location, location!” If you’ve ever leased or purchased a home or office space, you know that location is a serious consideration affecting said purchase in numerous ways. But the importance of place doesn’t begin and end with physical real estate. What about your virtual real estate? Your important business files and documents? It’s important […]

HP Proudly Announces “Welcome to The Machine”

“Welcome my son, welcome to the machine.” (Pink Floyd, Legendary Rock Band) It’s possible, I suppose, that HP President and CEO Meg Whitman is a Pink Floyd fan from way back. Or maybe the reason for naming their newest device of wonder and futuristic vision, The Machine, is just because an item of such potential […]

How Unreliable Server Hosting Affects Businesses

Reliable server hosting is important for businesses of all sizes. Depending on how a server is used, server reliability can mean business success or failure even for a two man company. Perhaps the two man company relies on its hosted website or web application to attract customers, sell products, or render online services. Larger companies […]

Has your Disaster Recovery Plan been Put to the Test?

Have you tested your disaster recovery plan lately? If not, then how can you be sure that it will work when you need it to? According to a recent article from The Business Journals, you should be testing your planned response to a server failure twice a year, and a catastrophic failure once a year. […]

Graph Analytics: A Big Data Tool for Analyzing Relationships

Graph analytics is used to study relationships between the nodes of a network. Nodes are graphically depicted as points and can represent individual people, objects, computers, or anything capable of interacting with other nodes. An interaction is represented with an arrow that connects two nodes. The arrow points from the node that initiates the interaction to its recipient. The […]

Google Study Reveals Continued Effectiveness of Email Scams

Despite all the warnings and ubiquitous nature of email scams, it appears far too many people are still being fooled by them. This information comes from a recent study from Google published by Huffington Post. In the report, statistics now show up to 45% of people have given private information to an email scam, primarily […]