You Got Phished and Took the Bait: Now What?

There are a number of email scams out there, ranging from emotional appeals from Nigerian royalty to notifications that you just won the lottery in London – even though you’ve never purchased or made an entry. Fortunately, greater education, awareness and suspicion of these types of email scam messages have helped protect a number of […]

Why You Should Know More About Dell

Has Dell been making important strides these days? We think so, and wanted to share the news about this company’s recent reshaping. One of the giants of the PC world made the decision to take its brand private and they have come back swinging. It is a transformation, Michael Dell says, he actually started six […]

Why Utilize SAN?

SAN (Storage Area Network) is a dedicated high-speed network that interconnects and presents shared pools of storage devices to many servers. In a storage area network, a layer of management software separates the pooled storage resources and the servers that access the storage. This software allows information technology administrators to centralize and manage multiple storage resources […]

Why Should You Consider Using A Data Center To Host Your Servers

The data of your business should be the center of everything. It’s the heart of your business, so this makes it necessary for a business to have secure servers hosting their data. In this technology driven world, a data center could easily be one of the most important parts of your company. Some companies choose […]

Why is Network Security so Important?

You’ve heard over and over again that network security is one of the most important things to the continuity of your business, and therefore its success. You haven’t heard wrong, but you may be wondering exactly why it’s so important. Most people only have a vague idea of exactly why the security of their network is so […]

Why Colocation Server Hosting Makes Sense: The Economy of Scale Effect

Everyone benefits from the economy of scale effect. For the lone individual to locate and dig out of the ground the iron ore and various alloy additives and then proceed to produce an alloyed steel cutting knife is cost prohibitive. It’s far easier to take advantage of the chains of businesses that produce the alloyed […]

What Should You Do in the Workplace if You Suspect You’ve Received an Email Scam?

Email scams are some of today’s most insidious threats to every company’s computer systems. And because they can spread viruses as well as compromise private information, it’s a common issue we see here at Global IP Networks that compromises data. It’s one reason why we provide a data center that keeps your information safe, especially […]

What are the Benefits of Using a Business Continuity Center for Disaster Recovery?

Thinking about disaster recovery in relation to your business may not be enjoyable, but it simply has to be done – just as individuals must plan for family members having accidents or passing away. Natural disasters can be devastating, especially to a business, if there’s no preparation beforehand. The good news is, with a plan […]

Tools and Standards for Email Scam Mitigation

You put server infrastructure in place to operate in today’s online world. You upgrade your server concept to colocation with a service like Global IP Networks in order to have access to more capacity and a higher standard than you have the IT department or budget to manage on your own. That addresses server availability, but […]

Three Key Considerations Regarding Network Security

Now more than ever, the concern of network security should be one of the top priorities of small business owners. With accounts of unsuspecting startups devastated by cyber attacks becoming more and more common, network security is a concern that can no longer be ignored. Three Key Considerations Regarding Network Security: 1. Smaller doesn’t necessarily mean safer. Although some businesses […]