How Thieves Steal Your Password to Compromise Your Network Security

You need not worry about run-of-the-mill viruses that try to infect your system surreptitiously. Your firewall and security software does a good job of preventing such digital intrusions. What you have to watch out for are tricks that lure you into explicitly revealing your confidential information. Hackers make such attempts using the following methods: Phoney […]

Google Study Reveals Continued Effectiveness of Email Scams

Despite all the warnings and ubiquitous nature of email scams, it appears far too many people are still being fooled by them. This information comes from a recent study from Google published by Huffington Post. In the report, statistics now show up to 45% of people have given private information to an email scam, primarily […]

Four Tips to Get a Good Value on the Servers Contract for Your Business

Once you have established that you are going with a colocation facility to house the servers for your business, there are several steps that you need to take to make sure you get a contract with good value. Determine How Much Physical Space You Need The amount of space you need should not be something you have […]

Enjoy Maximum Security with Colocation Server Hosting

Deciding whether or not to house your own servers isn’t the easiest task. There are pros and cons that you need to consider before making any type of commitment, but as an alternative, you should look into colocation server hosting. Colocation has numerous benefits, including sufficient security. Passive and Active Protection from Fire Fire can spell […]

Email Security: Five Tips to Protect Yourself

E-mail can be a terrific form of communication for keeping in touch with family, friends, and business associates. However, using it unwisely may make you and your computer susceptible to spam, scams, and viruses. Here are five tips to avoid these problems: Utilize Security Software A decent security program with a firewall should be your first […]

Email Scams: The FBI Says Businesses Are Losing Millions from Being Duped

The worst type of email scam today is one that not only fools employees in companies, but also the executives. And that’s exactly what’s happening now, despite so many being aware of how dangerous email scams are. As the structure of many companies becomes increasingly more complex, more business dealings occur via email. With so many email […]

Disaster Recovery Terms You Need to Know

Like nearly everything else, disaster recovery comes with its own vocabulary. If your company is designing its disaster recovery plan or you’ve experienced a disaster, knowing the following terms and what they mean can help, according to a recent article by SearchServer Virtualization. Disaster recovery. This is perhaps the most important term of all. It’s […]

Disaster Recovery: Are You Ready For A Catastrophe?

You know all the clichés . If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The prudent man forseeth the evil and hideth himself. And so on. Even though those principles of preventative maintenance are repeated ad nauseam, there are business owners and managers who still don’t […]

Cut Down On Expenses with Outsourced Server Hosting

Hosting for your business is essential, especially if you have a lot of web traffic, and this is because your business’s success relies on the ability for your connection to remain online. It is important to make sure you hosting is reliable, which you can accomplish with outsourced server hosting, but outsourcing it also provides the […]

Consider Colocation for Server Hosting to Simplify Your Business

Although it is possible to house your own hardware and servers successfully, there is a viable alternative in colocation that you should consider to keep your business simple and straightforward. When housing your own hardware, you can take your own measures until you are satisfied, but high-quality colocation providers for server hosting can satisfy or exceed your […]