Common Anti-Spam Filtering Techniques

Email spam has been a problem for almost twenty years and continues to plague us today. This problem would be far worse if we didn’t have anti-spam software. Two common filtering techniques for blocking email spam will be discussed below: List Filters The simplest anti-spam technique makes use of lists to either allow email into or block […]

Cloud Computing: When Disaster Strikes

Cloud computing has had some misconceptions through 2014 that have snowballed to a point where people stop using this solution. Despite the Apple iCloud scare this year, everyone has to keep in mind no technology is perfect if it’s not used correctly. In the case of any security concerns, it’s all in how you monitor the […]

Choosing An Email Spam Filter

If you have an email inbox, it’s critical you use a spam filter to sift through the countless junk emails you get each day. Spam mail is not only time consuming. It can also bring in malware, phishing software and viruses. Spam filters are software used to scan emails to determine whether of not they’re spam. Before […]

Be Aware Of IRS E-mail Scams This Tax Season

Tax season is upon us. While you are scrabbling around trying to add in those last-minute deductions and maximizing your return, don’t forget to keep your information safe. Tax season is also a prime season for those who like to prey on the public’s vulnerability. Every year, thousands fall victim to a malicious e-mail scam that targets […]

Angry Employees Pose Network Security Threat

According to a recent article from CFO, the Department of Homeland Security has said that angry employees pose a “significant” threat to the U.S. community due to the network security issues they cause. The department issued a public service announcement in which it stated that there have been an increasing number of incidents where disgruntled […]

Questions You Should Be Asking Your Data Center Provider

You may be looking to consolidate applications and data resources into one scalable and reliable storage location.  Or perhaps regulations require that your data is stored in a facility with state of the art, and regularly audited, security features. Whatever your reason for looking for an offsite data storage solution, all data centers are not […]

3 Things that Will Stop Your Business in Its Tracks

If you own or run a business, you understand how important it is to keep your business running all the time. As little as a day or two, or even a few hours of down time can ruin a good profits streak, and the effects can be seen for months, sometimes years. Unfortunately, as helpful as technology […]

5 Tips For Building A Foolproof Disaster Recovery Plan

In just one years’ time, the entire continental US can be battered with tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, or winter blizzards. These acts of mother nature not only damage the environment, they can also devastate a company’s IT infrastructure. With so many dangers just a storm cloud away, it’s almost unbelievable that only 25% of small […]