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Business Continuity: 3 Things to Consider

Business continuity isn’t necessarily something you think about every day, but it’s actually very important. In fact, your company’s ability to maintain continuity during an emergency could be the deciding factor in the success or failure of your business. Here are three things you should consider when it comes to preparing and maintaining continuity.


The first thing to do, if you haven’t already, is to make sure that your company is prepared for any type of disaster. Do you have a disaster recovery plan? If so, is it current, and do all of your employees know about it? One small mistake here can cause long-term, expensive problems later.

Data security

Is your data protected from hackers? There are numerous people who would pay good money to be able to access your data, and plenty of people who would happily take that money. A virus or other hacking attempt could easily become a disaster, especially when it comes to your data. Make sure that you are protected.

Data safety

So your entire network is protected from hackers and other companies, but is it protected from your employees? How about mother nature? Hopefully your employees are trustworthy enough that you’ll never have data stolen from you, but everybody makes mistakes, and acts of nature are unavoidable. Make sure that your data is protected from these unavoidable accidents by storing it on sturdy equipment like solid state drives. It’s also a good idea to keep backups off-site, in case of a major disaster. The cloud is a great place for these backups.

If you’re looking for more tips on maintaining business continuity, please contact us.


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