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Understanding the Different Types of Spam

There are many different types of spam and it is important that you understand the different types in order to better protect yourself from it. If you aren’t familiar with all of the ways spam is delivered, take a look at the different types below. The more you know about spam, the better you will be able to protect yourself from it.

Spam in Emails

Spam in email is something which we’re quite knowledgeable about. Just about everyone is familiar with the email spam and if you haven’t been subjected to it, then you are one of the lucky ones. These emails can quickly take over our inbox and also provide us with false leads and hope. For example, one of the most familiar scams found in an email is the famous inheritance email. These people want to deposit money in your checking account from a foreign country.

Spam in Comments

Many spammers take to leaving comments on any website or blog they can find that will allow it. They will leave their url, product name, or site name in these comments.  If you own a blog or website, you have probably been subject to this type of spam. Using captchas will help cut down on this automated posting and spam.

Spam in Instant Messaging

While much less common as before, the instant messaging spam continues to take place now and then. The simplest way to keep in addition to the scenario would be to decline any invites from people you don’t know, and to consider links from strangers to be a phishing attempt, or outright hostile. Even when a friend sends you a link, make sure they are the ones sending it and that their account hasn’t been hijacked.

Spam on Social Media

Spam is definitely making its way around social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. This type of spam can be posted on your wall, sent through messenger, or placed in the comments. People are getting pretty clever when it comes to spamming on social media sites.

Those are the major types of spam found on the internet. It is important that you know what spam is and how to tackle it in order to keep yourself safe. You can contact us if you would like.


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