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Recover From Disaster Before it Strikes

Having a major incident is something no one looks forward to. But, not looking forward to, and intentionally avoiding discussing it are two entirely different things, and the key to recovering from a disaster is to have the discussions and implement the plans that arise from them today.

Everyone hopes that it won’t happen to them, but with climate change, international terrorism, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, computer error, acts of God, and other disasters happening at an ever-increasing pace in the modern world, it is foolish to think that it won’t happen to you. And the best way to ensure that you can recover from whichever disaster strikes, if one ever does, is to plan now to handle it.

There are several plans that your business should have in place to combat disasters. Maybe you already have them, maybe you don’t. If you don’t, you need them. Sooner rather than later.

First, develop a plan. Write down what needs to happen in the event of a disaster and what needs to happen afterwards to recover from it. In fact, write several plans, one for each type of disaster. Include protection measures, such as secure, off-site, data backup, redundant servers, and keeping critical personnel separate. You don’t want the CEO and the CFO in the same building if it catches on fire!

When it comes to protecting your data, you can always contact us to help develop the plans and procedures that you need to ensure that your business will continue to operate and recover fully if disaster should happen to strike.


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